On Tuesday December 3 2024, Sassie we will be pushing an update to the platform privacy policy. This will require ALL shoppers to accept the new policy. There will be a two week grace period where you will simply be notified when they login. After the two weeks you will be unable to login without accepting the new policy. Please get in touch with Pamela if you have any questions.
New questions have been added to your shopper profile. Please be sure to complete this to maximise the work you can be offered.
Cyber Crime Warning Notice:
Scams and cyber threats are becoming increasingly common. Please be advised that we do not advertise for new shoppers on LinkedIn or Indeed. All our email addresses end '@amberarch.com'. We will never directly approach you to offer work without you actively signing up with us direct first, via our website, and we do not work in the USA. Please be very careful when dealing with companies you have not worked for in the past. No reputable company will ever charge you to sign up, ask you to transfer funds or offer to pay large amounts of money to you before you have carried out any work for them. Should you have any doubt about the authenticity of a communication purportedly coming from Amber Arch, please contact us direct, on 0191 492 2020.
Amber Arch staff are here to help you with your visits and any queries you may have. We aim to be as polite and helpful as possible. However shouting, swearing, insulting or aggressive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated and will result in termination of the conversation. We reserve the right to deactivate the account of anyone who is considered to be aggressive or abusive.
PAYMENT: If you require further information regarding our payments and procedures, please click here.
EMAILS: In order to receive shop offer emails you will need to have verified the email address you signed up with. If you are not sure you can log on to your profile to check. Also, check your email settings to ensure emails sent via Sassie do not go into your Spam folder. You may be missing out on shop offer emails otherwise.
MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: Please note that you must only have one account with Amber Arch, in your own name, using an accurate profile. Duplicate accounts will be deactivated, any work currently assigned will be removed and you will no longer be eligible to undertake work for us. If you think you may have signed up more than once by accident, please let us know which account you would like to keep and we will deactivate the other for you.
New questions have been added to your shopper profile. Please be sure to complete this to maximise the work you can be offered.
Cyber Crime Warning Notice:
Scams and cyber threats are becoming increasingly common. Please be advised that we do not advertise for new shoppers on LinkedIn or Indeed. All our email addresses end '@amberarch.com'. We will never directly approach you to offer work without you actively signing up with us direct first, via our website, and we do not work in the USA. Please be very careful when dealing with companies you have not worked for in the past. No reputable company will ever charge you to sign up, ask you to transfer funds or offer to pay large amounts of money to you before you have carried out any work for them. Should you have any doubt about the authenticity of a communication purportedly coming from Amber Arch, please contact us direct, on 0191 492 2020.
Amber Arch staff are here to help you with your visits and any queries you may have. We aim to be as polite and helpful as possible. However shouting, swearing, insulting or aggressive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated and will result in termination of the conversation. We reserve the right to deactivate the account of anyone who is considered to be aggressive or abusive.
PAYMENT: If you require further information regarding our payments and procedures, please click here.
EMAILS: In order to receive shop offer emails you will need to have verified the email address you signed up with. If you are not sure you can log on to your profile to check. Also, check your email settings to ensure emails sent via Sassie do not go into your Spam folder. You may be missing out on shop offer emails otherwise.
MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: Please note that you must only have one account with Amber Arch, in your own name, using an accurate profile. Duplicate accounts will be deactivated, any work currently assigned will be removed and you will no longer be eligible to undertake work for us. If you think you may have signed up more than once by accident, please let us know which account you would like to keep and we will deactivate the other for you.
Amber Arch staff are here to help you with your visits and any queries you may have. We aim to be as polite and helpful as possible. However shouting, swearing, insulting or aggressive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated and will result in termination of the conversation. We reserve the right to deactivate the account of anyone who is considered to be aggressive or abusive.